Thursday, September 16, 2010


first flag specialise for INDIA
The Calcutta - Flag :

Lord Curzon was the viceroy of India from 1898 to 1905. He antagonised the Indians by promulgating many
unpopular laws. But his decision to partition Bengal in the name of better administration, when the nation was
groaning under the havoc caused by famine, earthquake and the plague was most unfortunate. The scheme of
partition was to merge the eastern districts of Decca, Shahi and Chittagaon with Assam and form a new
province of ' East Bengal and Assam '. The rest of Bengal was to be joined to Orissa and the new Province was to be called ' Bengal '. Britisher's tried ' divide and rule ' policy and wanted to set Hindus against Muslims.

On August 7, 1906, the first anniversary of the anti-partition movement, a big rally was organised at Parsi Bagan Squre (Greer Park) in Calcutta. For the first time a tricolour flag was unfurled there. The moving spirit behind thedesign of this flag was Schindra Prasad Bose, a close follower of Sir Surendranath Banerjee and the son-in-law of the moderate Brahmo leader, Krishna Kumar Mitra. The flag they designed had open lotuses on the topgreen, yellow and red. It had eight half open lotuses on the green stripe, Vande Mataram in blue on the middle yellow stripe, and the sun and moon (crescent) in white on the bottom red stripe. This flag was for the first time hoisted at the Parsi Bagan Square on August 7, 1906, which was observed as Boycott Day to protest against the partition of Bengal, Narendranath Sen ceremonially the flag and sang a song.

Sister Nivedita's Flag :

At the turn of the century, the quest for a National - Flag assumed greater urgency with the rise of the Swadeshi

- Movement. Sister Nivedat, an Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda, was one of the first to concive of a National
- Flag for India. In 1904, while on a visit to Buddha Gaya in the company of J. C. Bose and Rabindranath
Tagore, she saw the Vajra - chinha for the first time and was instantly inspired. Vajra (thunderbolt) is the sign for
the Lord Buddha. It is also connected with Siva and goddess Durga. It is sign of strength being the celebrated
weapon of Lord Indra, the war god. Having been inspired by the vajra - chinha, Sister Nivedita designed a
National Flag for India. She got another flag made by her pupils, in scarlet and yellow. It was displayed at the
exhibition organised by the Congress in its annual session at Calcutta in December, 1906. Her flag was square in shape, with a red field. It had a hundred and jyotis all along the border and vajra in yellow at the centre with Vande on the left and the Mataram on the right of it, in Bengali script. The legend Vande Mataram was also in yellow in yellow. Sister Nivedita, later in 1909 under a pseudonym wrote an article " Vajra as a design for a National - Flag ", in the Modern Review, in which she suggests a design for a National Flag in which the thunderbolt (vajra) and a lotus were included to symbolise the heritage of India. She wrote that red implied struggle for freedom, yellow meant victory, and the white lotus denoted purity.

Mrs. Sarojini Naidu said :

" Under this flag, there is no difference between a prince and a peasant,
between the rich and the poor, between man and women.

IN 1916

Dr. Annie Besant's and Lokamanya Tilak, had designed a new flag and this flag was hosted in Congress session in Calcutta The flag had for color red, green, white and blue. The all color in stripes manner. The stripes are red and green according to both Nair and Singh (five red, four green), while the Union Jack is in red   and    blue only. A crescent and a star, both in white, are set in top fly. The white color in the form of seven stars significance of Saptarishi.

IN 1921

Mahatma Gandhi  want to bring whole country together and this was for required for a symbol . And in 1921 the mahatma Gandhi repersented a flag and The flag was designed by Mahatma Gandhi. This flag had three color white, green and red. The white color on the top of flag, green in the middle and the red color was on the bottom of the flag.The pattern of this flag was based on the flag of Ireland, another nation which was struggling to get its independence from the rule of Britain. Although Congress Committee did not adopt it as its official flag but it was widely used as a symbol of nationality in India 'freedom struggle.

Colour denotes :
 White Color :The white color at the top of this flag and significance of truth, and shows India is fighting against lies and bad thing. The country have right and true sprit.
Green Color: The green color shows the Indian agriculture and the earth. The green color was on the middle of flag.
Red Color: Red color shows the sprit and struggle for freedom. The red color was on the bottom of the flag.

IN 1931

Pingali Venkayya had brought new flag, when the Sikh community had not accepted all previous flags and demanding new flag. This flag had also a three color saffron, white and green. The Saffron color was on the top, in the middle and the green on the button. The saffron color shoos the strength, The green color shows the Indian agriculture and the earth. The white color at the middle of this flag and significance of truth, and shows India is fighting against lies and bad thing. The country have right and true sprit. 

IN July 22, 1947

Dr. Rajendra Prasad had to design the flag for free India.
The language and the text of the song make it obvious that it refers to the Green 
and  Gold flag of Bhadur shah Zafar.
                                   " Hindu, Mussalman, Sikh hamara
                                             Bhai bhai pyara
                                    Yeh hai jhanda azadi ka
                                             Ise salam hamara "
The Committee , besides the chairman, consisted of stalwarts such as Abdul Kalam Azad, K.M. Panikar, Sarojini Naidu, C. Rajagopalachari, K.M. Munshi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Finally in 1947 Indian had accepted a flag for whole country and Indian constituency accepted a tricolor flag.Indian Flag, the tricolor flag is a national flag of India adopted in 1947, before this a long story is that how Indian adopted the tricolor as a national flag. As a result, the flag of 1931 was adopted as Indian flag but 'Charkha' in the middle was replaced by 'Chakra' (wheel) and hence our National Flag came into being.

  India flag code of conduct was first came in existence when the flag was accepted first by national assembly. According to this code of conduct the flag is hosted to be only some selected occasion and in government offices. But in  26th January 2002 hte code of conduct change again after filing the petition by Navin Jindal in high court. According to this code of conduct the people will hosted the flag with respect.


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